Review: Embrace the dark by Caris Roane

Type of PP: Paranormal Romance
Released: Not until July 1st
Source: NetGalley
Maturity Level: Adult

Blurb: Gerrod the master of the Merhaine Realm is obsessed with Abigail. She mesmerises him in every way and he just can't stop noticing her, only she's human. Eventually they fall in love but sadly her humanity makes her an unacceptable mate. Now she must choose to either stay and become his blood rose or leave him and go back to her old life.

For me this was unfortunately another Paranormal Series about vampires, yes it was uniform and nothing that made me go YEA!!! was in here. I didn't become apart of this story like I did with her other books and so I don't have much to say about it :|

In the end it was an okay read even though it took me ages to get through, That may just be me and that is why I won't discourage you from reading this novella.

And now the rating: TOXIC



Hi you have just won the liebster award come here to see the rules :) congrats


Hey there, I was just hoping around and found your blog! I quite enjoy it!

I pretty much felt the same way about this title.

New follower

-Amanda P
Paranormal Romance

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